Bali animal charities

Bali is considered a paradise. Summer is here all year round, warm turquoise ocean, delicious fruits, palm trees and coconuts. But after living on the island of the Gods for some time, you will notice that he is no stranger to earthly problems, one of which is a depressingly large number of homeless animals in need of care.

Emaciated dogs with skin diseases and fractures are the first to catch the eye. Some of them were born on the street, others were left by their former owners due to various circumstances. Whatever the background of the animal, fortunately there are many caring people and organizations in Bali who are ready to take care of homeless four-legged friends. But in order to fulfill their mission, they also need support. In this article we talk about 5 organizations that help animals in Bali, which you can help not only financially.

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Villa Kitty Foundation 

Villa Kitty started its activity as a shelter for underprivileged cats and kittens in Bali in 2011. Now they offer help and care for animals at all stages.

Newborn kittens who have lost their mother are constantly brought to them. Kittens and cats are vaccinated and nursed here in order to be put up for adoption in the future. The Villa Kitty Foundation also cooperates with the Bali Pet Crusaders organization, together with which they carry out free sterilization of cats 3 times a week for all foster families, as well as families with low incomes.

The shelter tries to separate vaccinated and not yet vaccinated cats. However, Villa Kitty activists consider temporary guardianship to be the best solution, when a person takes an animal for a period of a couple of weeks to leave it and give all the necessary care and protection.

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A notable place is the Villa Kitty shelter itself. This is literally a cat world of almost more than 500 cats, cats and kittens. Here they feel like sovereign fluffy masters: they lie on shelves, walk on tables and scurry among visitors. You can come here to spend time with animals. Also, every Sunday there are vegan dinners for everyone who wants to spend time with cats. The cost is 50,000 idr.

Villa Kitty has many plans, including the expansion of the veterinary clinic and a project to process cat waste into compost. You can help the shelter financially with a donation, as well as through adoption or temporary custody.

Mission Pawsible

The project has been in existence since 2015 thanks to the caring creator Prue Barber, who created a model where those who want to help can choose several options: a donation to a specific animal, a general donation to the project or buy a product in the project store. You can choose from both products for four-legged friends (collars, leashes, carriers) and very cozy merch like mugs with images of dogs. The main thing is that 100% of the profit from sales goes to help animals. The mission of the project is treatment, rehabilitation and search for a new home for cats and dogs in Bali. You can also fill out a questionnaire for the “adoption” of one of the rescued dogs. Candidates are being selected. Mission Pawsible has many ambitious plans, including the construction of a treatment center and a dog park with recreation areas and an animal pool.

The Bali Dog Halfway House 

BDHH is a project founded by dog rescuers for like-minded people. Their main mission is to help people taking dogs from shelters take care of their pets at different stages. The organization provides a temporary and safe place to live at the stage before adoption and is a kind of transit point on the way to a new life. The team raised enough money to purchase a small house with a large yard.

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Here furry friends are fed, watered, loved and protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All dogs that come under the care of BDHH undergo rehabilitation – they are taught to obey and socialize to ensure a higher chance of adoption. Also, all dogs are vaccinated and sterilized. The project accepts donations of both money and necessary things like food, blankets and even furniture.

Bali Pet Crusaders 

The number of stray cats and dogs is constantly growing in Bali. Members of the organization Bali Pet Crusaders are engaged in providing mobile and free sterilization. This is how they help animals and local communities that cannot afford to take full care of their pets.

The organization was founded by Australian animal lover Deb Banfield and partners of the local charity Yayasan Seva Bhuana. A team of professional veterinarians travels to rural areas of the island, as well as to places where outbreaks of rabies are recorded, to provide medical care to animals and education for their owners. You can support the project by donating or buying in the store on the website. All the profit from the purchase goes to the work of the organization.

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) 

Perhaps one of the most famous and largest animal charities in Bali. BAWA has been helping pets since 2007. The organization has many areas of work: vaccination, sterilization, medical care and care, animal feeding, training the population in the proper treatment of animals, the organization of “adoption” of dogs, as well as a shelter. BAWA has several multi-year projects, such as mass vaccination against rabies or a program for teaching children in schools. You can help BAWA financially by making a one-time donation or by subscribing. You can also adopt an animal or take custody of it home for 2 weeks until a permanent owner is found for the animal. Also, the project always needs volunteers to help ensure the physical, mental and emotional well-being of rescued animals, as well as help prepare them for adoption and a new life.

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All organizations accept financial assistance either through banks in Indonesia, or through American and European cards, as well as SWIFT transfers. You can pay for a donation through the data of charitable organizations on their website or directly to the organization by arriving in person.

Together we can help the island and its four-legged inhabitants to live a healthy and happy life!

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